Doculus Lumus®

Doculus Lumus® is a mobile document checking device, used by document experts all over the world.

Developed together with document trainers and border guards, Doculus Lumus meets the requirements of fast document examination perfectly to support you in your daily job. Today we support border guards, document trainers, security printers, banks, customs authorities, international organisations and other government entities, dealing with the verification of ID documents and banknotes.

See the Truth Inside in less than 30 Seconds!

With Doculus Lumus® it only takes 30 seconds to examine a document and to determine whether a falsification is at hand. Experienced document specialists know how to detect a manipulated document. No matter if you are a border guard, security printer, customs official or document trainer. Doculus Lumus® is your reliable, robust tool to examine passports, ID cards, bank notes or another official document.

Why choose Doculus Lumus®?

Expereinced document specialist know what they need to look out for. Often, however, the place where fake documents are analyzed more precisely, is an office far away from the border posts. Prior to this, fake documents must therefore be identified by the front lines at the border, on the motorway, on the train or at the airport. Usually only 30 seconds remain for the examination of a document and to decide whether a fake is present or not.

Choose according to your requirements!

Frontline Edition
• Police Forces
• Customs
• Border Guards

Expert Edition
• Document Training
• Banknote Printing
• Embassy Personnel

Individual Configurator
• Police Forces
• Customs
• Border Guards

Individualise your device with a variety of selectable options!

• 15x to 22x magnification
• Front UV Torch
• RFID Transponder Quick Check
• Anti-Stokes IR Laser 980 nm

• IR-LED 870 nm
• UVC for 254 nm
• Lithium-Ion Battery

Tested and approved